Horseradish is such a wonderful plant. Not only is it attractive and easy to grow, but it also produces the most amazing flavors (if you like it hot, that is!) Can I plant wild horseradish though, that’s the question… Let’s look into this wonderful plant in a little more depth.
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Can I Plant Wild Horseradish?

You can plant just about any plant in the world and have it thrive, as long as you make sure that it has its preferred conditions.
- This sun-loving beauty needs a good, rich, well draining soil with an alkaline or neutral pH.
- It will like to be kept in a spot which gets a good amount of sunlight, however it will also cope well with dappled shade.
- You can grow wild horseradish from seeds, in theory, although they generally do not produce viable seeds that can grow healthy plants.
- Your other option is to propagate horseradish from a piece of root – this is generally how they spread in the wild, so it’s the easiest way.
- Growing horseradish from a root is super easy – either buy a root from a gardening store, or you can just plant a piece that you buy at your local vegetable shop!
- If you find a patch of wild horseradish, you can simply dig out a small section of root to plant at home.
- Keeping it in a pot is a good idea, as these fiery little plants are rather good at spreading and taking over!
What Do You Do With Wild Horseradish?
Wild horseradish is a very versatile plant. It is easy to grow, and you can actually eat pretty much the whole plant!
- The roots are what is used to make that well known, well loved condiment (this is super easy to make at home, just so you know!)
- Fermenting horseradish will give you that delicious taste, as well as the health benefits that come with fermented foods.
- Adding horseradish root to “fire cider”, a drink made with vinegar, chili, cayenne and lemon juice, gives it a great kick and even more benefit to your body.
- You can also eat the leaves – the younger ones are more tender and tasty, but larger leaves can be used too.
- Tear them roughly and add to a salad, or lightly steam as you would another green vegetable, for best results.
Horseradish is famed for its health benefits, so adding it to just about any dish you are making will make your food taste gereat and your body feel good.
This article will tell you all about which parts of horseradish you can eat, and also how to process them.
Can You Grow Horseradish From A Piece?

In a word, yes you can! It is always a good idea to buy a prepared piece of root (also known as a “thong”) from a garden store, so you know you’re getting the best possible plant.
- Fill a pot with some all-purpose compost suitable for growing horseradish – you can add some fertilizer or mulch for a boost of nutrients.
- Using a dibber, make a deep vertical hole in the compost, then drop in the thong and cover it loosely with soil.
- The thongs should be 2 inches below the surface of the soil, and you can fit 3 thongs in a 12 inch pot.
- Water the root in well, then leave the watering can alone for a while as after this the rain should be enough to keep it hydrated.
- Place the pot in a sunny position and wait for the new growth – it shouldn’t take long!
- You can also plant your wild horseradish directly in the garden, but bear in mind that it can take over pretty quickly.
Once you have got the hang of growing your own horseradish, chances are you will never buy it from the store again!
Can I Leave Horseradish In The Ground Over Winter?
This plant is pretty hardy, and it can handle cold temperatures. The leaves will die back, but the plant itself will be just fine under the soil.
Many growers choose to leave their horseradish in the ground over winter, as it is easier than pulling up and processing all those roots!
You won’t have to worry about the cold killing it off – it should pop right back up in spring, ready to go again.
It is a good idea to harvest the roots before the spring gets going too much, as horseradish roots can get tough and unappealing after a long time underground.
Can I Plant Horseradish Root From The Grocery Store?
Although many shop-bought fruits and vegetables cannot be grown at home, horseradish is an exception!
- Find a shop that sells horseradish root. If your local vegetable store doesn’t sell them, you may have to go to a specialist shop.
- Remove any packaging or labels from the horseradish root.
- Place it in a large pot, at a slight angle (no one knows why, but this seems to encourage the growth).
- Fill the pot with loose, well draining soil that is rich in organic matter. The soil should be neutral to slightly acidic.
- Water the soil well, then place it outside in the early spring.
- You should see shoots appearing within a month, and after this your plant will flourish.
- You can keep it in a pot, if you want to avoid it spreading around your garden, or you can plant it out.
If you didn’t believe that you can grow horseradish from the store, check out this video:
Growing your own wild horseradish is incredibly rewarding, as you can see – it’s really easy, and you can use just about all of the plant.
Once you’ve got to grips with growing your own horseradish, you will have absolutely no need to ever buy it from the shops again!
I don’t have access to horseradish roots, but a friend gave me a packet of seeds. Can I grow horseradish plants from them?
Yes, you can. These plants do best when grown from root cuttings, it’s true, but with a little care and attention you should be able to get seeds to sprout. Sow them up to 1cm deep in good, soil; they should start to sprout in a couple of weeks. Let me know how you get on!