
How To Decorate With Houseplants?

You may be the type of person who doesn’t really like pictures on their walls, and goes for neutral colors of paint. There are other ways to make your home beautiful though!

Once you have found out how to decorate with houseplants, you will never go back to traditional decorating – plants can make your home look like the pages of a lifestyle magazine.

How To Decorate With Houseplants

how to decorate with houseplants

Use decorative pots

Planting your green babies in pretty, vibrant pots that complement the existing colour scheme of your house will make your growing patch look even better.

Group plants in odd numbers

Placing the plants in odd numbered groups will look far better and more natural than placing them in ordered rows.

Include colorful leaves

Greenery is all well and good, but throwing a brightly colored plant in there will brighten things up no end.

Consider different sizes

Using different heights and widths of plants will draw the eye and make it look like a natural forest, rather than plants just plonked about.

Plan for leaf shapes

A few different plants – for example, wide leaves next to ferns and small shrubs next to tall plants, will increase the effect.

Pick a focal point

Having one or two large plants in the centre of where you want your jungle to be will add focus.

Here’s a good video showing you some of the the best ways to decorate with houseplants:

How Should I Arrange My Living Room With Plants?

Of course, you can arrange your plants however you like – it’s your home and they’re your plants!

However, there are a few ideas we can share with you, to help you make the most of your indoor growing and make your set up look the best it can:

  • The first thing to remember is not not group your plants together in even numbered blocks. Putting them in odd numbers will increase their attractive look.
  • Grouping them together in different sized groups will improve the look of the room.
  • If you have any hanging plant holders that can be suspended from your ceiling then so much the better – trailing plants look lovely in this sort of arrangement.
  • Siting plants with different shaped leaves together will also be a very striking look to your indoor hothouse.
  • Placing plants on shelves is a great way to fill your living room with plants – dangling plants work really well in high up places, and will trail down elegantly.

How Do You Set Up Indoor Plants?

The first thing to remember is that you need to take care of your plants appropriately, to ensure they grow to their best ability.

This means checking what soil, light and temperature requirements each plant has, and looking after it in the way that will help it to thrive.

Plant the light loving plants where they will receive the most light, leaving the shade lovers slightly more in the dark.

Make sure that each plant is sitting on a saucer or other container, to catch the drips when you water them and avoid ruining your furnishings.

You can work out where to put your plants based on their needs and requirements, and plan your placement accordingly.

Having a few brightly colored and decorative pots will improve the look of your indoor growing set up too.

If you like a bit of a challenge, try this interesting idea on how to create a “chandelier” with your plants.

Where Should Plants Be Placed In The House?

Where Should Plants Be Placed In The House

All plants need sunlight to survive. Light from outside should be allowed to reach them; even the shade lovers will need a little sunlight at some point.

Try an East facing window for the best results to your plants. This will allow them the bright, indirect light which they love.

If you don’t have an east facing window, a South or West facing window will do nicely. However, you would do well to keep the plants away from being right in the window, or hang a thin curtain to shade them from the harshest light.

In general, houseplants also need warmth. If they are left shivering in an environment that is too cold for them, you might be rewarded with poor growth and even death.

You can keep your plants warm on top of the refrigerator; this appliance keeps nice and warm and means you don’t have to turn up your heating.

Keeping them in the warmest part of your house is also a good idea; they will enjoy being cozy.

Many plants like the bathroom, which is often warm and humid. Many indoor plants really like these conditions as they mimic their tropical home.

Do Plants Like To Be Grouped Together?

You might think that, like some animals, plants would fight over space and resources – but there is no truth in that for plants.

In fact, many houseplants actually grow bigger and better when their friends are around them!

Placing plants with similar needs and growing conditions together will actually help them to grow better and stronger – and you have the added benefit of easily remembering who likes which water conditions.

For the plants which like humidity, placing them near each other can actually create a little pocket of humidity around them, a little like a rainforest!

As long as you don’t pile the light loving ones too close to other climbers, and separate out the small shrubby ones, you should be fine.

This actually works in your favor too, as changing up the levels and heights of your plants will add to the beauty of your indoor jungle no end.

Final Thoughts

Now you have some ideas on how to decorate with houseplants you can transform your home into a lovely tropical jungle.

Plants are beautiful, they give oxygen, and many are very easy to look after. What’s not to love? At least you won’t have to spend hundreds at a DIY store to make your home look beautiful!

2 thoughts on “How To Decorate With Houseplants?”

    • There are a great many plants that thrive in shade. All you need to do is find a list of plants that will survive in your conditions and you will be laughing! Peace Lilies and Snake Plants are great for shadier indoor areas, just to start you off.


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