If you have pets as well as houseplants, it is important to know that you are not unwittingly poisoning your beloved furry family. “Is begonia rex poisonous to cats?” is one of the first question on many people’s lips, so let’s look into this and work it out once and for all.
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Is Begonia Rex Poisonous To Cats?
The short answer to this is yes, yes it is. Begonia rex is poisonous to cats, dogs and horses (although it’s unlikely that you will have any horses in your house!)
If they eat a part of this plant, your cat may vomit initially, and you may also notice salivation, redness or swelling of the mouth, and a refusal of food and water.
The plant causes localized reactions such as stinging, swelling and pain, so you may notice your cat drooling or pawing at its mouth first of all.
Cats are good at self medicating, so you may notice Moggy sleeping a lot and refusing food and water after it has eaten begonia rex.
Drooling, vomiting and pain are not nice to see – but the worst danger is damage to the kidneys and the liver.
The liver is the main organ that filters out toxins, and just about everything that is ingested makes its way there.
This short article will show what things other than cats begonia rex is toxic to, and will put your mind at rest with regards to people toxicity.
What Part Of Begonia Is Poisonous?
Unfortunately, all parts of the begonia plant are toxic to small furry creatures like cats and dogs.
This is because the plant contains large amounts of oxalate, which can cause irritation and in turn can break down into oxalic acid.
Your cats are most likely to nibble on the leaves, and depending on how much is ingested they may need a trip to the vets.
If your cat eats a large part of this plant then you should definitely visit your vet, just to be on the safe side.
There is no part of this plant that is not toxic to cats, so whether your furry friend has got hold of the leaves, flowers or roots, chances are pretty high that they will have a reaction.
Cats are actually pretty good at dealing with poisoning, and in some cases you need only monitor your pet.
If you know it has eaten a large amount, however, you should definitely visit your healthcare provider.
What If My Cat Eats A Begonia?
If you notice that your moggy is munching on your begonia, the first thing to do is to remove the plant, and try to remove as much as you can from your pet’s mouth.
Next up, you should take your feline friend straight to the vet, who will be able to advise you on the next steps.
Your cat will probably be given a blood test, to determine how much damage has been done – this toxin can damage the liver and kidneys so finding out how much is in there is key.
Your vet may also prescribe anti inflammatories to reduce the pain and swelling caused by the begonia.
Depending on whether or not the cat is dehydrated they may need IV fluids and a stay at the vets overnight.
If the oesophagus has been damaged by the plant, your pet may need to have a feeding tube inserted to help keep them nourished.
A prescription diet may be offered which is easier on the stomach for a recovering feline, and additional drugs may be given to protect the stomach.
Although this all sounds pretty scary, don’t panic too much – as long as you catch it early enough, your cat should make a full recovery.
Most cases of begonia poisoning should clear up within a couple of weeks, assuming that medical attention has been sought.
This little video will show you what you’re looking out for if you suspect that your cat has eaten a begonia:
How Likely Are Cats To Eat A Poisonous Plants?
Animals are quite clever things, and will generally avoid things that are toxic to them (lilies being one notable exception).
However, as we all know, cats are playful and contrary creatures, and they may well not be able to resist having a nibble of your houseplants!
Cats are more likely to eat plants that attract their attention, so the ones with trailing tendrils or exciting smells.
Most plants that are poisonous will be avoided, but if you have a young cat that likes to get into everything, you should consider moving your rex begonias.
If you cannot move them, you could consider covering them with a plastic bag – this is not the most attractive solution, but it could save you a hefty vet’s bill!
Where Should Begonias Be Placed In The House?
Begonias will need bright but indirect light and a warm spot in which to thrive – these are the conditions they like the most.
However, if the only spot where you have these conditions is within reach of a cheeky cat or dog, it may be advisable to move it!
Begonias are problematic if they are eaten, certainly, but they can also cause issues if a pet rubs up against them.
A contact allergy can be caused by the compounds in the plant, that can cause redness, swelling and itching too.
If your cat gets too up close and personal with your begonias, they can suffer a reaction, and almost certainly will if they eat it – but the symptoms should resolve quickly.
You could consider hanging your begonia rex in a plant holder; that way there is very little chance that your cat will get to them.
If you can maintain the indirect light and warmth that they love, why not put your rex begonias high up on a shelf where Puss can’t reach?
If you suspect that your cat has eaten a lot of your begonia or it is displaying symptoms, a trip to the vet is definitely worth it.
Keeping pets and kids safe around our houseplants is very important, as many of them are toxic, poisonous or will cause irritation if eaten.
Hopefully you now have an idea of the toxicity of begonia rex, so you can keep your cats safe without having to give up your plants!