It may surprise you to know that you can use certain items of food waste to encourage your plants – and we’re not just talking compost! So, which house plants like coffee grounds, and which will turn up their noses at them? Let’s have a look in a little more detail.
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12 Plants That Like Coffee Grounds
Plants like coffee grounds because they add organic material to the soil which helps with soil aeration and water retention.
It can also help to lower the pH of your soil, meaning good news for acid loving plants!
African Violet

Saintpaulia spp is a pretty little plant, that produces beautiful deep purple and pink flowers. They will be sure to brighten up your life wherever they’re planted.
They can produce flowers all year long, with the right conditions – bright light, well draining acidic soil – and coffee!
Pour a little of your leftover cuppa onto the soil (minus the milk) and spread out the grounds directly on the soil for some instant fertilization.
Epipremnum aureum is very similar to Philodendron; and in fact they can often be interchangeable.
This plant can be grown in a pot or a hanging basket- anywhere that it can let is roots spread out will be good.
Adding coffee grounds to the pot will provide nutrients to the plant as well as maintaining the desired pH of this plant.
The heart shaped leaves of Philodendron bipinnatifidum are a really attractive addition to your house – and it is said that they are impossible to kill!
This plant thrives on neglect – it doesn’t like to be over watered, and likes medium to low lighting conditions.
Adding coffee grounds to the soil of this plant can help its fertility, as well as making the veins in the leaves stronger and more flexible.

The Cyclamen persicum is a wonderfully low-maintenance plant; it will produce its pink, red, white and purple blooms until it goes dormant in the summer.
It likes partial sun, plus a soil that is on the acidic side – coffee grounds are perfect for this scented beauty.
Adding coffee to this plant will not only improve the health of its soil, but it can actually increase the production of flowers too!
Jade Plant
This succulent, also known as Crassula ovata, is a very popular plant as it is very low maintenance. It is also known as the Money Plant – but we can’t guarantee that you’ll get rich if you plant it!
Adding coffee grounds every 6-12 months can really help this plant. It doesn’t need too much extra maintenance, but a bit of an addition once in a while will be good for it.
Coffee grounds are better than chemical fertilizers, and your plant will thank you for keeping it natural.
Christmas Cactus

Schlumbergera bridgessii is named Christmas cactus because it blooms around Christmas time. They are beautiful flowers, and a lovely addition to any room.
It is a low maintenance plant which requires very little input beyond well draining soil and good natural light.
Half a cup of coffee once or twice a week will benefit this plant, and you can place the coffee grounds in the soil to help the plant and the pH of the soil.
Miniature Roses
Roses are beautiful, whether they are large or tiny. The miniature ones come in just about all the same colors as the larger ones!
Miniature roses like the same types of soil as their larger cousins; that is Nitrogen rich and acidic.
Adding coffee grounds to the soil of this plant will help the tiny roses become more developed and can help them bloom better.
Spider Plant
The spider plant, also known as Chloropytum comosum, is a wonderful plant for those with less than green fingers.
It can survive with very little care and attention, and will make even the least enthusiastic gardener look like an experienced horticulturalist.
Acidic soil is the favorite of this one, so mixing a bit of coffee (or eggshells) with the soil will help this undemanding plant immensely.

Azalea, also known as Rhododendron, produces beautiful flowers that can be pink, purple, white, orange, red or white.
They like mostly shade, though some prosper in full sun. All like well draining soil that is on the moist side.
Adding coffee grounds will help the soil to become more acidic, which is what these plants love the most!
Snake Plant
Sansevieria trfasciata is a very low maintenance plant, and one that can brighten up a small space very easily.
It can easily clean the air in your home, and does not need too much looking after – too much watering will kill it, and soil that is filled with nutrients will not make it very happy.
Mixing a little coffee with a little water and sprinkling it on the soil will help keep your snake plant healthy and happy.
Ghost Man
Graptopetalum paraguayense, this evergreen succulent, is a great addition to your indoor houseplant collection.
It can be grown in gardens also, but it will be happy indoors as long as it has well draining soil and a good amount of sunlight.
Adding coffee grounds to this plant’s soil is a great help for it, as this is good for mulch as well as nutrients.
Peace Lily

Spathiphyllum is a lovely plant, with dark green glossy leaves, and eye catching white flowers.
This plant likes its soil to be on the acidic side, so adding coffee grounds to its soil is a perfect thing.
These plants can also be susceptible to pests, which the coffee grounds can ward off, making it the perfect addition to your peace lily’s soil.
Final Thoughts
If you are a caffeinated household with a lot of coffee waste, you will be thrilled to know that it can actually nourish your favorite plants!
Remember that this is not an excuse to overdose on the coffee yourself – just give the waste to your plants rather than having extra cups to support your plants!
Can I use instant coffee instead of coffee grounds?
Although we can substitute these types of coffee when we drink it, we cannot substitute it in plant food! Coffee grounds are nourishing for plants; freeze dried coffee is not (plus, it’s a waste of your morning cuppa!)