So, we all know that plants need water in order to survive, right? But did you know there are different ways of watering that are better or worse for certain plants?
With that in mind, if you have been wondering what is the best way to water a weeping fig, you’ve come to the right place! Let’s dip our toes into this issue…
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Best Way To Water A Weeping Fig?
All plants have different water requirements – some need to be kept moist, others only like to watered every couple of months (cactus, we’re looking at you!)
Your weeping fig has fairly standard water requirements, but the main thing to remember is to NOT overwater this plant.
Ficus Benjamina does not like to be grown in a bog; they really won’t appreciate having wet roots.
You really only need to water your weeping fig when the top 2-3cm of soil has dried out; any more than this will be too often.
Ensure that it really is ready for a drink by poking your finger into the soil – if it is dry up to the second knuckle then now is the time, if not then leave it a few days.
This plant is very sensitive to changes in temperature, so using tepid water for it is advised, as the shock of cold water can cause leaves to drop.
You can either top water, or place the entire plant into a bowl of water to let it suck up moisture from its roots. Remove the plant after a few minutes do it doesn’t get too wet.
Make sure that your pot and compost are well draining, and watch to see that the water drains away from the soil after you have watered it.
Do Weeping Figs Like To Be Misted?
The weeping fig plant is native to warm, tropical places like Asia and Australia, so it does like to be kept warm and humid.
Misting your Ficus Benjamina can help it to absorb water through its leaves – this is a great way to do it, as the plant really doesn’t like wet soil.
Misting can also increase the humidity in the air, which is ideal for a plant that comes from tropical areas.
You may also find that misting improves the health of the entire plant, by giving it extra moisture, rinsing off dust and even helping to deal with insects.
Here’s a good article explaining the benefits of misting, plus a few other good ideas for how to increase humidity for your indoor plants.
Should I Bottom Water My Ficus?
Bottom watering is a great way to give plants a drink, as they are more in control of how much waster they take on.
Bottom watering a Ficus is actually a good way of doing it, because these plants really don’t like excessive watering – in fact, it can kill them.
All you need to do is stand the pot in a container of water for half an hour or so, then remove it and let the water drain away.
One advantage of watering from the top is that salts and minerals from fertilizer get washed away more easily, helping prevent a build up in the pot.
If you routinely bottom water, make sure to do a top watering once in a while, especially during the summer when you are fertilizing regularly.
Do Fig Trees In Pots Need Lots Of Water?
You may think that because the plant is in a pot then it would need more water – after all, the roots can’t spread as far to get a drink.
However, overwatering a weeping fig tree is a sure fire way to kill it, or at least make it lose leaves and look very sorry for itself.
You should only ever water your weeping fig tree when the soil is dry – stick your finger into the soil, and if it is dry up to the second knuckle, get the watering can out.
Watering this plant when it is not ready for a drink will stress it out to the point that it will start losing leaves and looking sickly.
Consistent overwatering can lead to root root, and at this point it is much harder to bring the plant back from the brink.
How Do You Tell If A Plant Is Over Or Under Watered?
If you are worrying about your watering schedule and if you are watering too much or too little, stop worrying – your plants will definitely let you know!
Interestingly, many of the symptoms of overwatering and underwatering are very similar – let’s have a look at the signs:
- Yellowing leaves. While more common with underwatering, overwatered plants’ leaves can also change colour alarmingly quickly.
- Brown leaves. This is a sign that the leaf is dying; if this is because of overwatering then the leaf will be soft and limp, if it is underwatered then it will be dry and crisp.
- Leaf drop. The plant will try to conserve its energies by shedding leaves if it is not getting enough – or too much – to drink.
- Stunted growth. Too much watering can rot the roots, while not enough watering basically starves the plant. Neither of these things are ideal for good plant growth!
- Soil issues. An overwatered plant’s soil will be soggy and can attract mould and insects, while underwatering will make the soil dry and hard.
Both over and underwatering are catastrophic for your plants. Each plant will have different water requirements, so make sure you do your homework before you start brandishing that watering can!
Here’s a comprehensive video explaining the difference between underwatering and overwatering:
Once you have figured out the best way to water a weeping fig, you will never look back – trust me on this!
Working out your favorite plant’s watering requirements and preferences is one of the best and easiest ways to keep them healthy and happy.