
How To Grow A Hibiscus {A Simple Guide}

It’s all very well to buy your plants ready-grown, but there is something special about growing them yourself. We are here to tell you all about how to grow a Hibiscus!

It’s easier than you might imagine, and it will be very rewarding when you look around at your entirely home grown garden.

How To Grow A Hibiscus From Seed?

How To Grow A Hibiscus From Seed

Growing Hibiscus from seed is easier than you might think – and certainly easier than growing seeds from some other types of plant.

  1. Plant your seedlings indoors, or in a warm greenhouse, 6-12 weeks before the last frost. Soaking the seeds overnight will help them germinate better.
  2. Using well-draining soil, plant your Hibiscus seeds at a depth of 1/2 an inch, and keep them in a full sun position or under a heat lamp.
  3. Once the seeds have sprouted, give it a month before you transplant them to larger pots.
  4. Harden off your seedlings by placing them outdoors for a few hours a day after the last frost, then bring back indoors before the cold temperatures arrive.
  5. Pinch off the tips of the young plant when it reaches 6-8 inches in height – this will help it produce better blooms at flowering time.

How To Germinate Hibiscus Seeds?

Hibiscus is a relatively fussy seed, and it can take a while for them to get going – but once they do, there’s no stopping them!

There are a few little tricks you can try to get your seeds going quicker:

  • Nick the seed on the round part of the hard outer coating.
  • Soak the seeds in tepid water for between 1 and 8 hours.
  • Use a seed-starting compost to give your seeds the best start.

After this process, plant the seeds 1/4 inch deep in your compost, and place them in a warm sunny spot.

You should see seedlings start to sprout after 2-3 weeks. As they grow, they will need to be potted on into larger pots to support their growth.

This video will take you through some of the best tips to germinating Hibiscus seeds, known only to experienced gardeners!

How To Grow Hibiscus From Cuttings?

Growing a Hibiscus from a cutting rather than a seed can be easier than growing it from a seed – these guys can be tricky!

If you are lucky enough to get hold of a Hibiscus cutting, there are a few clever hints and tips that you can use to grow your new baby as well as you can.

  1. Your Hibiscus cutting should come from a new growth or softwood of the plant. Get it from plants that have new growth in the spring or summer.
  2. The cutting should be between 4-6 inches, and you should remove everything except the top set of leaves.
  3. Having removed all the leaves and extra growth, dip the end of the cutting into rooting hormone.
  4. Next, place the cutting into some good, well draining compost by poking a finger in to make a hole, then backfilling the hole with compost.
  5. Cover your cutting with a plastic bag (making sure it does not touch the leaves) then place it in partial shade.
  6. Keep the soil damp but not wet for the next 8 weeks, by which time the cuttings should have become rooted.
  7. Repot them after about 8 weeks, when they can be placed into larger pots to grow on happily.

How To Plant Hibiscus {Step By Step}

How To Plant Hibiscus

The first thing to decide is if you will plant your Hibiscus in the ground, or keep it in a pot.

  1. Hibiscus do best planted out in the ground, but they can also survive perfectly happily in a pot – as long as their favorite conditions are met.
  2. If you are planting it in your garden, choose a sunny spot which receives the most amount of direct sunlight that you can.
  3. The soil should be loose and well draining, and it must be kept moist, especially during times of little rain.
  4. Hibiscus cannot tolerate cold temperatures, and a frost can kill them, so if it is planted in your garden then you should consider covering it in the winter.
  5. Hibiscus in a pot will thrive, as long as their pot is large enough. If you notice the flower buds drooping or falling off, chances are it’s time for a repot!
  6. Make sure to give your potted Hibiscus plenty of fertilizer – these are heavy feeding plants, and the roots won’t be able to travel to get nutrients in a pot.
  7. When the temperatures start to drop, you should bring your Hibiscus indoors, or place it in a greenhouse.
  8. Whether in a pot or in the garden, you will need to keep your Hibiscus well watered so the soil doesn’t dry out completely.

Where To Plant Hibiscus

When you first plant your Hibiscus, choose a spot that is in partial or full sun. They like full, direct sunlight, but newly planted babies will appreciate a little shade!

Make sure you plant your Hibiscus away from strong winds. The long, elegant fronds are delicate, and you don’t want them to be blown straight off the bush.

If you know the different types of soil in your yard, pop your Hibiscus in a spot that is neutral to slightly acidic – this is the type of soil these plants favor.

You can happily plant your Hibiscus in the garden, or use a pot if you have a smaller garden space.

Wherever you decide to plant your Hibiscus, bear in mind that it will not tolerate cold conditions.

If it is in a pot you can simply move it indoors during winter, but if it is in the garden then you should invest in some fleece to keep the roots warm.

Final Words

Hopefully, with a few more ideas on growing a Hibiscus yourself, you can wow all your friends and family with your beautiful jungle.

Home grown plants also make great presents for your fellow gardeners – just don’t give away too many of your secrets or everyone will be doing it! If you need more advice, here is our guide to Hibiscus pruning.

2 thoughts on “How To Grow A Hibiscus {A Simple Guide}”

    • If you don’t have a friend who can provide you with seeds, you can easily find them from garden centres and shops local to you – or you can order them online of you want to have a go at growing this plant.


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