If you have always loved the look and smell of Hyacinth, you are not alone! But have you ever wondered how to grow Hyacinth? We are here to help you through this journey.
What You'll Learn Today
Where Do Hyacinths Grow Best?
Hyacinths are fairly forgiving, and can be indoors or outdoors quite happily.
Plant the bulbs in your borders, where they will look delightful surrounded by your other flowers.
If they are to remain in one place, you should put them in well drained, fertile soil, in full sun.
Hyacinths can tolerate a bit of shade, but they won’t produce their best if they are left in a shady spot for too long.
You can overwinter your outdoor hyacinths and they will survive just fine, but if it is a prolonged cold spell then you may wish to consider bringing them indoors.
Hyacinths don’t like to be touching each other, and if they are too close they can spread diseases and pests. Leave at least 3cm between each bulb.
These lovely plants should be kept in well draining soil, as becoming waterlogged can damage or even rot away the roots.
How To Replant Hyacinth Bulbs?
If you need to move your bulbs, you can easily do this – just try to wait until the flowers and foliage have died back, for best results.
- Try to time your replanting until the flowering has ceased (this means you get to enjoy the sight and scent of the flower for as long as possible!)
- As you see the foliage start to yellow, you need to stop watering the plant completely.
- Once the foliage has completely died, you can lift the bulbs from the ground.
- Brush the soil from them, and store them in a cool dry place.
- Placing them in the refrigerator will encourage the plants to perform at their best when they come up again the following year.
- Replant the bulbs in the autumn, when the soil is starting to get colder.
- Place each bulb, root side down, into a prepared bed that gets full sun.
- Mulch the soil with compost before you plant the bulbs, so they receive the maximum amount of nutrients.
- Unlike indoor bulbs, if you are planting outdoors you should cover the entire bulb with soil.
How Deep To Plant Hyacinth Bulbs?
Hyacinths don’t need to be too deep; up to 10cm deep is just fine.
Any deeper than this and you run the risk of the shoots struggling to make it to the surface, or even not popping up at all.
If they are in pots it is common to plant the bulbs with the top parts exposed; this is not as recommended in a garden, as it can invite damage to the bulbs.
If they are planted in the garden, the whole bulb is generally covered with the soil – just remember to stick to the depth guide and don’t plant your bulbs too deep.
When To Transplant Hyacinth?
For best results, you should wait to transplant your hyacinth until the flowering season is completely over.
If you try to move your bulbs while they are still flowering, you will almost certainly stress the plant and affect the quality of the flowers.
It is best to wait until all the flowers have dies, and the foliage has yellowed and wilted, before you transplant your hyacinths.
You can, in an emergency, move your bulbs any time – but bear in mind the damage that this may cause the plant, and don’t expect too much from them afterwards!
How To Transplant Hyacinth
- The first thing you need to do is pick the spot to plant your hyacinths. They prefer a full sun position, and soil that drains well.
- Add a layer of compost to your soil before you plant your bulbs to give the plants a boost of nutrients.
- Make sure you do not overcrowd your bulbs, as they won’t grow optimally if they are too close together.
- Water the bulbs in after you have planted them, but don’t allow the soil to become waterlogged as this will rot the bulbs.
- Plant your bulbs in an area that you have weeded thoroughly, so your hyacinths don’t have to compete too much.
- Add some soluble fertiliser to the soil to give your bulbs a chance to flower at their best.
You can follow these same instructions for transplanting hyacinths into pots, the process is just the same!
This short video is informative and helpful, and shows you the best way to transplant hyacinths:
When Is The Best Time To Plant Hyacinth Bulbs?
It is definitely best to plant your hyacinths in the Autumn, after they would have finished their flowering season and are ready to lie dormant and save energy for flowers.
You can plant these little bulbs any time in the autumn, as long as there has already been a frost, and before the ground becomes frozen.
This period of cold underground will help your hyacinth bulbs prepare for their flowering season, and will make them perform at their best.
If you need to move your bulbs before the cooler weather, you can make them think it is winter by placing them in the fridge for a few weeks.
If you want a glorious indoor hyacinth display, you don’t have to wait until the autumn – you can “force” these bulbs:
- Place the bulbs into the fridge, or a cool dry spot, for between 2 and 4 months.
- Plant them in good quality potting soil, root end down, with the top of the bulbs above the soil.
- Water them in, then limit watering to only when the soil is dry, to prevent rotting the roots.
- You can also force hyacinth bulbs in glasses; for a detailed run down on how to do this, have a look at this article.
Final Words
Hyacinths are one of the most rewarding plants, in terms of their beauty and their scent. Now you know how to grow hyacinth, you can experience this for yourself!
I like an unusual indoor display. Can I grow my Hyacinth in water?
Yes, these are one of the plants that is happy to be grown in water. You will need a special hourglass shaped jar (available from garden shops or online) and you will suspend the bulb just above the water level. This is great because you can enjoy the roots and the flowers all at once!