
Why Is My Weigela Dying?

No one wants to see their plants dying, do they? Although weigela is an easygoing plant that should survive most conditions, it too can suffer from problems!

We have a few answers to the question why is my weigela dying, plus a lot of things that you can do to save your favorite bush.

Why Is My Weigela Dying

Why Is My Weigela Dying

This plant is relatively hardy, so it may come as a shock if you see it starting to look sad and droopy. There are a few things that can affect your weigela:

  • Not enough light. This shrub likes to be kept in full to partial sunlight, so if it is in a dark area then it certainly won’t thrive.
  • Tree blight. This disease can affect the whole plant, and can cause the plant to sicken or even die if it is not managed properly.
  • Root rot. This disease is generally caused by too much water sitting around the roots, which can cause them to turn mushy and become unable to support the plant.
  • Under watering. Not enough water will pretty quickly kill off any plant, so make sure that you thoroughly water your weigela when the top 2 inches of soil are dry.
  • Pest infestations. These plants are generally pretty hardy, but like all plants they can be susceptible to creepy crawlies. Keep an eye out for insects on the leaves, and remove them by hand or use an insecticide.
  • Plant predators. Despite the fact that weigela is considered “deer hardy”, it can still be tempting for larger plant eaters! You can consider a fence if deer or other plant munchers are becoming a nuisance.

Keeping your weigela healthy and thriving shouldn’t be as difficult as it is with some other plants (we’re looking at you, Orchid!) but they can still have their problems.

Once you have figured out what the problem is, it shouldn’t be too hard to keep your favorite shrubs happy and flourishing!

Why Are My Weigela Leaves Turning Brown?

Leaves are not meant to be brown, especially during the main growing  season. If your weigela is looking dry and brown, it is generally due to inadequate water.

It is advised that you water your weigela thoroughly around once a week, to ensure that it is getting enough to drink.

Conversely, over watering can also cause the same symptoms of browning, wilted leaves.

Too much water can cause the plants’ roots to rot, which can affect the health of the entire shrub, and can even eventually kill it.

Twig blight is another reason why the leaves of your weigela can start turning brown, though this is harder to diagnose and treat than watering issues.

Your plant can be saved from twig blight, by using a strict pruning regime and applying the appropriate fungicide.

What Conditions Do Weilega Like?

This shrub, unlike many garden plants, is not too fussy about what conditions it thrives in. However, there are a few things to bear in mind:

  • It likes full sun. A good sunny spot is the best bet for your weigela, and will encourage the best flowers.
  • Partial shade is also acceptable, but bear in mind that it will not bloom as dramatically if it is is too shaded.
  • Soil must be well draining. No plant likes its roots to sit in water, and weigela is no exception! Make sure the soil doesn’t get clogged up with water.
  • Moderately acidic or slightly alkaline soil is the best thing for these plants – they will survive in other pH, but this is their ideal.
  • Mulch once a year. Just before the winter kicks in, mulch the roots so that they can keep a little warmer, and also absorb a burst of nutrients.
  • Prune it after flowering. Giving your weigela a little haircut will help it to sprout new growth, and produce more flowers.
  • Give it space. Some varieties of this plant can grow pretty big, so ensure that it has enough space for its roots to spread.

Once you have worked out the best way to grow weigela, you can enjoy it for its flowers and its leaves – it’s a great addition to any garden!

Here is an informative video showing you the best ways to care for your weigela:

Why Is My Weigela Not Growing?

Weigela is a lovely shrub to grow – it’s pretty, and doesn’t need too much maintenance. However, it too can have its problems!

  • Incorrect growing conditions. If your weigela is growing in waterlogged soil, or in the darkest part of your garden, it will not perform its best – if at all.
  • Frost damage. These plants are pretty hardy, but they can be vulnerable to particularly cold weather, and will benefit from some protection in the winter.
  • Pest infestation. Creepy crawlies can do a lot of damage to plants, and weigela is no exception. Check the leaves regularly for bugs.
  • Pruning at the wrong time. These plants bounce right back from a pruning after flowering; trimming them at other times of the year can adversely affect growth.
  • Infection. Weigela is susceptible to some plant diseases, such as rust, mildew and black spot – these may need to be treated with a fungicide.
  • Too much fertilizer. Giving plants extra nutrients helps, obviously, but excessive fertilizing, or the wrong type, can prevent it from being its best self.

Keeping your weigela healthy and happy is the best way to avoid problems with this pretty plant, so try to keep it in its favorite conditions and you should be laughing!

Weilega is a plant that is generally pretty easy to grow, and shouldn’t give you too much trouble.

However, they do get their fair share of problems! Now you know more about them, you can help your plant be as healthy as it can be.

2 thoughts on “Why Is My Weigela Dying?”

    • This depends on what it is that is causing the plant problems. If it is simply not receiving the right conditions then it can be saved with a little care and attention; if it is diseased or infested with sap sucking insects then you may be better off simply starting again.


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