Eggshells, surprisingly, are really good for houseplants. Not only do they release minerals like calcium, they can also help to deter critters like slugs and snails.
So, which houseplants like eggshells the most? As with everything in life, there are some that like certain things more than others!
What You'll Learn Today
10 Houseplants That Like Eggshells
Eggshells are a great source of calcium for your plants, and they can be very easily added into your plant care regime.
You can either roughly crush the shells on the soil, and the nutrients will leach their way into the soil with every watering.
Or, you can pound, blend and crumble your eggshells into a fine powder – sprinkling this onto the soil will help the plant immensely.
Soaking the shells in water for a couple of weeks, then using this to water your plants, is another great way to get the eggshell goodness into them.
Spider Plant

The spider plant, also known as Chloropytum comosum, is a wonderful plant to have around – it’s not only beautiful but it’s very easy to keep.
It can survive with very little care and attention, and will make you feel as though your whole hands, as well as your thumbs, are green!
It likes acidic soil, and will benefit greatly from the addition of a few eggshells in its environment.
African Violet
Saintpaulia is a beautiful plant, that produces beautiful deep purple and pink flowers in the right conditions, and can even flower all year round.
They like bright light, warmth and humidity. A loose, well draining soil is best, and you will need to regularly check this for dead leaves that can affect the health of the plant.
These guys love a bit of eggshell fertilizer! You can either grind up the shells and sprinkle them onto the soil, or soak the shells and use this water.
The Hedera is a lovely plant to have, indoors or out. There are many different subspecies, but they all have similar growing conditions.
These trailing plants like good quality potting soil, and they won’t thank you for crowding them. They are fine with heat and cold, and as long as they have good air circulation they should thrive.
Ivies love a bit of added calcium in their diets; you can grind the shells into powder or soak them in water for the benefits to your plants.
The Hoya is a beautiful plant, famed for its pretty flowers which can be profuse, given the right conditions.
Hoya like bright but indirect light, so if they are kept indoors then make sure they are not too close to a window or the leaves will scorch. They like humidity, so keeping them moist is a good idea.
These plants like alkaline soil, so adding some crushed up eggshells to their compost is a great idea and one which will help them to thrive.
There are a great many different species of Cactaceae, and they all like pretty much the same growing conditions.
These plants are native to deserts, so they will need lots of bright light, in soil that is well draining. They need very little watering.
The calcium found in eggshells is a great fertilizer for your succulents! Grind up some eggshells finely and sprinkle the powder around the base of your plants, to give them a good boost.

The Orchidaceae are well known for being tricky to grow – but they can thrive and produce beautiful flowers, given the right conditions.
They will need strong light and a fair bit of warmth, and also humidity and a lot of airflow around the roots. Orchids have to be grown in specialist, bark based compost.
Orchids need high amounts of Calcium and Potassium in order to grow well, and guess what is in eggshells? Crushing the shells and sprinkling them around the roots of your orchid will make it very happy.
This pretty succulent provides beautiful flowers and attractive, glossy leaves. It can be grown indoors or out; as long as it has the right conditions it will thrive!
Kalanchoe needs plenty of life in order to produce those lovely flowers, and their soil must be well draining with good aeration.
Because this plant is a succulent, related to cactuses, it will benefit greatly from the addition of some crushed up eggshells to give it a boost of calcium.
The Capsicum family are used for both practical and decorative purposes – you can eat the peppers or chilies, but they are also attractive plants which can be used purely for display.
All members of the Capsicum family will need to be kept warm, with plenty of direct sunlight, and they like good quality, well draining soil.
Eggshells benefit all plants, and peppers in particular like a dose of the extra nutrients. Eggshells can help prevent diseases and support the plant to grow even better.

The Tagetes plants are not only pretty little bloomers, but can also be used in companion planting to deter pests from vegetable crops.
Marigolds like to be in full sun, even in the hottest times – they are native to the Americas and can handle the heat! Plant them in fertile and well draining soil, indoors or out.
These little beauties will love the extra nutrients from eggshells! Another benefit is that if you only crush the shells roughly, this can act as a deterrent for slugs and snails which love to feast on these pretty plants.
Young Plants
All young plants and those that have just been repotted will benefit from a shot of eggshell powder. This will help the young plants to absorb nutrients and get themselves well established before they become larger plants requiring more nutrients.
Newly repotted plants like a bit of eggshell because it helps them to thrive and recover from the repotting experience.
Final Words
At last, not only a new idea for your plant’s health, but also a great use for your used eggshells instead of composting them. Btw, here is our guide to coffee grounds and plants.
Now that you know which houseplants like eggshells more than others, you can help your plants – as well as keeping your compost bin emptier!
Should I dry my eggshells before I use them as plant food?
It is much easier to crush eggshells for plant food if they have been baked – or at least dried – before use. Simply pop them on the bottom of an oven after you have finished cooking something and they will dry out nicely.
Are egg shells good for roses and can you use them for bulbs before lifting
Hi Joan, roses are a plant that will absolutely love your eggshells! They require a lot of calcium to grow well, and that is one of the things that eggshells can give them. Also, adding eggshells to the soil over your bulbs before you lift them is a good idea – the eggshells will help strengthen the inside of the plants’ cell walls.